less than 1 minute read

I recently had some serious problems with my right mouse button on my Lenovo X240 touchpad. Out of a sudden I wasn’t able to use the right button… That’s not something I really liked and although I’m not the kind of person trying to resolve problems with reboot, that’s what I did.

Unfortunately it didn’t help.

Research on the net didn’t reveal anything useful and I tried to run libinput-debug-events to get some more insight. It looked like the button works fine.

-event1   POINTER_BUTTON   +23.08s	BTN_RIGHT (273) pressed, seat count: 1
 event1   POINTER_BUTTON   +23.33s	BTN_RIGHT (273) released, seat count: 0

After I while I found a post of by aidanharris1 on reddit called Touchpad Unable to Right-Click (GNOME Wayland). His solution was to set

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad click-method 'fingers'

but that was already set…

I then tried to use two fingers to tap-click and it worked as a right click. Hmmm, OK, maybe I need to set

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad click-method 'areas'

and yes, that was it.

No idea how this got changed, but it’s working fine now, again. Hooray!