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Gitlab pages and bad gateway problem

less than 1 minute read

I recently had the problem that out of a sudden my Gitlab pages weren’t accessible any longer. I got a nasty “502 bad gateway” error. Gitlab is running on a ...

Debian and my right mouse button

less than 1 minute read

I recently had some serious problems with my right mouse button on my Lenovo X240 touchpad. Out of a sudden I wasn’t able to use the right button… That’s not...

Updating Cisco WLC from 7.x to 8.3.x

2 minute read

Recently I needed to upgrade a Cisco WLC 4404 to a new hardware. That means upgrading from 7.0.x to 8.3.x. I thought that it’s going a piece of cake, but I’...

Backing up ownCloud - the whole story

2 minute read

Everyone of us, well, ok, maybe not everyone, so most of us, tend to be too careless about backup. For most of my data I have already duply configured, BUT t...

Building container images with Gitlab CI

2 minute read

Quite a while ago I started to use the Giblab CI. Although you find plenty of good pre-build container images on DockerHub, I sometimes want to have my very ...

Moved from Drupal to SSG

less than 1 minute read

It’s already quite a while ago that I did my last post, some still unifished drafts are pending. Anyway I have again problems with comment spam and so many u...

Started with Moose

1 minute read

Since my early Perl days decades ago, wow, it’s really more than a decade ago, probably two, since I started programming with Perl, I thought about OO style.