minTTY: A usable terminal for Windows
From time to time I get re-bound to an operating system that’s not my favourite: Windows. This time it’s in the Windows 7 incarnation. OK, I have to admit th...
From time to time I get re-bound to an operating system that’s not my favourite: Windows. This time it’s in the Windows 7 incarnation. OK, I have to admit th...
I recently had the problem that I wanted to call a URL from a shell script and thought that wget might do the job. The site requires authentication so I tho...
I have to admit that I’m a candidate for the Useless use of cat award sometimes.
I use the MySQL command line interface regularly to fetch some data from a DB. Usually I want to have to column names as well, but if you want process the ou...
As I already told in Suppress column names on MySQL command line output I use the command line interface of MySQL quite often. Especially if you want to do s...
From time to time you stumble upon the problem of character encodings. You get a file in encoding A, but prefer it in encoding B.
Ich bin zufällig auf Jeremy Zawodnys Old School-Beitrag gestoßen. Naja, irgendwie habe ich doch die Möglichkeiten von E-Mail total unterschätzt. Allein Rich...
Wie vermutet (oder angedroht?) gibt es den zweiten Teil der SPF-Geschichte. Der erste Teil hat es ja schon vermuten lassen, es geht weiter. Ich habe jetzt ...