Resolve incoming conflicts with SVN automatically

less than 1 minute read

OK, you might expect that I have the killer tool that really solves merge conflicts automatically, but this one-liner is much simpler. I sometimes update my...

Cross Domain Popup opener reload

less than 1 minute read

A couple of days ago I had the problem that I needed to reload the opener from a popup window. Thought that it should be a breeze. Simply call opener.reload(...

Started with jQuery

less than 1 minute read

Since I needed a good Javascript library to ease some of the daily Javascript stuff one has to fight with I decided to start with jQuery. I used mootools al...

Pagerank 2 for my site

less than 1 minute read

During the last Pagerank update my site got a better pagerank and has now 2. Not sooo much though, but still…

Backporting Subversion 1.6 to Debian Etch

less than 1 minute read

Unfortunately I’ve to use a machine running Debian Etch. Yes, that’s pretty old and it should definitely updated to Lenny asap, BUT I’m not the admin… sigh ...