less than 1 minute read

Although I’m using Drupal I post on Typo3 again.

However, I had the following problem: I want to show a latest news block for tt_news on one special page only. So I defined a new content mapping in TemplaVoila for this block (lib.popular, don’t ask why ;-) ).

The answer is quite simple: Check for the page ID and show the stuff on the right page only. First I thought that you have to use GP:id, but that’s not the case. Might be obvious to the enlightened, but it was not to me.

### News LATEST in left column
[globalVar = TSFE:id = 2]
lib.popular < plugin.tt_news
lib.popular {
  _LOCAL_LANG.de {
    latestHeader = Das Allerneuste vom Neuen!
  altMainMarkers.TEMPLATE_LATEST.wrap = ### | ###
  code >
  code = LATEST
  pid_list >
  pid_list = 49 # the pids of the pages where your news are stored
  catImageMode = 0
  catTextMode = 0
  latestLimit = 10
  displayList.imageCount = 0 