
Started with Moose

1 minute read

Since my early Perl days decades ago, wow, it’s really more than a decade ago, probably two, since I started programming with Perl, I thought about OO style.

Replace tabs with spaces in Emacs

less than 1 minute read

In fact this is just a re-post of Julien Palards blog entryEmacs: replace tabs with spaces. I just want to keep it for my personal memory:

SVN: Relocate all subdirectories

less than 1 minute read

I had to change the location of a SVN server for quite some working copies since we migrated from Subversion 1.4.6 to 1.7.1 and change the protocol from svn ...

minTTY: A usable terminal for Windows

less than 1 minute read

From time to time I get re-bound to an operating system that’s not my favourite: Windows. This time it’s in the Windows 7 incarnation. OK, I have to admit th...

Resolve incoming conflicts with SVN automatically

less than 1 minute read

OK, you might expect that I have the killer tool that really solves merge conflicts automatically, but this one-liner is much simpler. I sometimes update my...

Started with jQuery

less than 1 minute read

Since I needed a good Javascript library to ease some of the daily Javascript stuff one has to fight with I decided to start with jQuery. I used mootools al...

Backporting Subversion 1.6 to Debian Etch

less than 1 minute read

Unfortunately I’ve to use a machine running Debian Etch. Yes, that’s pretty old and it should definitely updated to Lenny asap, BUT I’m not the admin… sigh ...

Sun Java 5 on Ubuntu Karmic

less than 1 minute read

Since the <a href=”>End of Life of Sun’s Java 5</a> is reached and even the End of Service Life (EOSL) at 8th of Oct...

Roundcube installer (version 0.3) and eAccelerator

less than 1 minute read

I use Roundcube mail from time to time, but faced some errors or weird behaviour regularly. I therefore decided to re-install the latest stable version, whic...

Meizu M6, Rhythmbox and HAL

1 minute read

I already wrote about my Meizu M6 and Rhythmbox and how to get them working together. This time HAL, the hardware abtraction layer in recent Linux systems is...

JEE on Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) 64bit

less than 1 minute read

I recently struggled with the installation of JEE on my 64bit version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty). I wanted to install the version without the JDK, but with Glas...

Nagios integration of Zero RRD

less than 1 minute read

If you’re running Nagios as you monitoring and alerting software and Zero RRD at the same time you surely would like to integrate them.

Subversive in Eclipse Ganymede

less than 1 minute read

I updated my pretty old Eclipse Europa installation to Ganymede today. OK, the restart you have to do quite often were really annoying, but besides that ever...

Meizu M6 and Rhythmbox

less than 1 minute read

I own a Meizu M6 for quite a while and I’m very happy with this iPod alternative. Anyway I had the problem that Rhytmbox didn’t recognise it as a music playe...

Change UUID of a Virtualbox VDI

less than 1 minute read

I use <a href=”>Virtualbox</a> regularly. Recently I wanted to use a VDI twice for different machines. One intended for...

Sun PDF import extension for OpenOffice 3

less than 1 minute read

I recently needed to edit a file for which I had the PDF version only. That was the time where the Sun PDF Import Extension is becoming really handy. What y...

Xen domain and the forgotten root password

less than 1 minute read

Lately I had on of these problems that could run into real trouble… … unless you find a very easy solution for it. I wanted to su to root and realised that ...

Audacious as XMMS replacement

less than 1 minute read

I recently read on <a href=”>schmalenegger’s blog</a> about the absence of XMMS in the Ubuntu repositories. I notice...

NFS-Export und fsid

1 minute read

Ich beschäftige mich mal gerade wieder mit NFS. Wenn man mal einen ersten Blick auf NFS wirft, so denkt man, dass es da eigentlich gar nicht so viel zu erzäh...

Virtualbox, Debian Sid and my AMD64

1 minute read

There are a lot of virtualization solutions around and a played around with VMware a bit. It’s quite comfortable to use the VMware converter to convert your ...

Fonts von QT-Anwendungen in Gnome

less than 1 minute read

Seit einiger Zeit quäle ich mich schon mit total hässlichen Fonts von QT-Anwendungen unter meinem Gnome. Ich gebe es ja ungerne zu aber es gibt tatsächlich g...

Meizu M8: die iPhone-Alternative

less than 1 minute read

Wer hätte noch nicht vom iPhone gehört, dieses schnuckelige Telefon von Apple. Ich bin dem Charme dieses Stücks Männerverführung auch ein wenig erlegen, alle...