
Started with Moose

1 minute read

Since my early Perl days decades ago, wow, it’s really more than a decade ago, probably two, since I started programming with Perl, I thought about OO style.

Started using Dist::Zilla

less than 1 minute read

Since I haven’t started a new Perl project for a while and especially none where I wanted to use CI, I was using ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

New release of Zero RRD Framwork

less than 1 minute read

The new release of the Zero RRD Framework is out. You can either update via SVN or download the tar.gz of version We mainly fixed some installation...

HTTP::DAV for WebDAV handling in Perl

less than 1 minute read

I’m currently working on a project where I create a dump file from a data structure using Storable to do the actual dump. This file needs to be exchanged aft...

Special character for IMAP folder on Exchange

less than 1 minute read

As I’ve already written in a previous post, it’s quite simple to <href=”/blog/doppelte-mails-mailimapclient-auf-einem-exchange-server-finden”>connect f...

Zerod appliance

less than 1 minute read

A couple of days ago Holger released a zerod appliance for Virtualbox and VMWare which you can download easily. After downloading and unpacking you find a h...

Zero RRD Framework: Major Release

less than 1 minute read

Finally. Yesterday we released a major update of the Zero RRD Framework at SourceForge. You’ll find the latest version in the Zero RRD Subversion Repositor...

Problems with DBI and fork()

1 minute read

I recently had a problem with a Perl script in connection with DBI. The script opens a DBI connection to fetch some data and then forks some child’s based o...

Parsing Gaim/Pidgin log files

less than 1 minute read

Some time ago I read something about the script from Mike Schilli. This nice little script parses Gaim or Pidgin logfiles (located at ~/.gaim/l...

Using IMAP::Client with Cyrus IMAP server

1 minute read

I’m currently working on a personal project where I want to access my Cyrus IMAP-Server using Perl. Hence I looked at CPAN and there are two major modules de...

Ich mag Perl

less than 1 minute read

Irgendwie hatte ich ja schon verpasst, dass Perl 5.10 erschienen ist. Und hätte auch noch fast den Artikel You Used Perl to Write WHAT?! übersehen. Es gibt...

Perl 5.10 erschienen

less than 1 minute read

Die Meldung ist zwar schon einige Tage alt, aber ich finde sie dennoch erwähnenswert.