
Started with jQuery

less than 1 minute read

Since I needed a good Javascript library to ease some of the daily Javascript stuff one has to fight with I decided to start with jQuery. I used mootools al...

Meizu M6, Rhythmbox and HAL

1 minute read

I already wrote about my Meizu M6 and Rhythmbox and how to get them working together. This time HAL, the hardware abtraction layer in recent Linux systems is...

Nagios integration of Zero RRD

less than 1 minute read

If you’re running Nagios as you monitoring and alerting software and Zero RRD at the same time you surely would like to integrate them.

Subversive in Eclipse Ganymede

less than 1 minute read

I updated my pretty old Eclipse Europa installation to Ganymede today. OK, the restart you have to do quite often were really annoying, but besides that ever...

Conkeror: Emacs insprired browser

1 minute read

As I already told you I wanted to give Conkeror a try and I kept my promise. I downloaded the Ubuntu Jaunty packages and built them for my box running Intre...

Zerod appliance

less than 1 minute read

A couple of days ago Holger released a zerod appliance for Virtualbox and VMWare which you can download easily. After downloading and unpacking you find a h...

Meizu M6 and Rhythmbox

less than 1 minute read

I own a Meizu M6 for quite a while and I’m very happy with this iPod alternative. Anyway I had the problem that Rhytmbox didn’t recognise it as a music playe...

SPAM protection on Postfix (Part 3)

less than 1 minute read

Most spammers are very aggressive in terms of connection and re-connection to mail servers. Of course they want to send as many SPAM as possible in the short...

RBLs on Postfix made easy

less than 1 minute read

Real-time blacklists, DNS RBL precisely, are a convenient way to mitigate the SPAM problem on your server despite all critics about it. policyd is another op...

policyd-weight and Postfix SPAM fighting

less than 1 minute read

If you run your own mail server you have to think carefully about SPAM protection of course. The first line of defence is in front of the actual mail server ...

Change UUID of a Virtualbox VDI

less than 1 minute read

I use <a href=”>Virtualbox</a> regularly. Recently I wanted to use a VDI twice for different machines. One intended for...

Coding style mal anders…

less than 1 minute read

Es wird ja immer viel über Coding style geschrieben und diskutiert, aber der wirklich wichtige Beitrag zu dem Thema beleuchtet das ganze von einer etwas ande...

Problems with DBI and fork()

1 minute read

I recently had a problem with a Perl script in connection with DBI. The script opens a DBI connection to fetch some data and then forks some child’s based o...

Umstieg auf Drupal 6

less than 1 minute read

Nun habe ich es endlich gewagt und bin auf Drupal 6 umgestiegen. Zwar hatte ich das schon lange angekündigt, aber dann doch nicht in die Tat umgesetzt. Da es...

Parsing Gaim/Pidgin log files

less than 1 minute read

Some time ago I read something about the script from Mike Schilli. This nice little script parses Gaim or Pidgin logfiles (located at ~/.gaim/l...

Using IMAP::Client with Cyrus IMAP server

1 minute read

I’m currently working on a personal project where I want to access my Cyrus IMAP-Server using Perl. Hence I looked at CPAN and there are two major modules de...

Typo3: Add nofollow to external links

less than 1 minute read

For some reasons I have to use Typo3 besides my beloved Drupal and I faced the problem that I want to add the rel="nofollow" attribute to all external links.