
Debian and my right mouse button

less than 1 minute read

I recently had some serious problems with my right mouse button on my Lenovo X240 touchpad. Out of a sudden I wasn’t able to use the right button… That’s not...

add-apt-repository and proxy settings

less than 1 minute read

I always had the problem that the global proxy settings I set for Gnome weren’t recognised by <pre>add-apt-repository</pre>. Therefore adding new...

Resolve incoming conflicts with SVN automatically

less than 1 minute read

OK, you might expect that I have the killer tool that really solves merge conflicts automatically, but this one-liner is much simpler. I sometimes update my...

Backporting Subversion 1.6 to Debian Etch

less than 1 minute read

Unfortunately I’ve to use a machine running Debian Etch. Yes, that’s pretty old and it should definitely updated to Lenny asap, BUT I’m not the admin… sigh ...

Roundcube installer (version 0.3) and eAccelerator

less than 1 minute read

I use Roundcube mail from time to time, but faced some errors or weird behaviour regularly. I therefore decided to re-install the latest stable version, whic...

Meizu M6, Rhythmbox and HAL

1 minute read

I already wrote about my Meizu M6 and Rhythmbox and how to get them working together. This time HAL, the hardware abtraction layer in recent Linux systems is...

Success of policyd-weight and RBL

less than 1 minute read

As I already told I’m using policyd-weight for SPAM protection purposes. Since I’m always curious how it behaves I use the mailgraph to get some statistics f...

RBLs on Postfix made easy

less than 1 minute read

Real-time blacklists, DNS RBL precisely, are a convenient way to mitigate the SPAM problem on your server despite all critics about it. policyd is another op...

Xen domain and the forgotten root password

less than 1 minute read

Lately I had on of these problems that could run into real trouble… … unless you find a very easy solution for it. I wanted to su to root and realised that ...

Audacious as XMMS replacement

less than 1 minute read

I recently read on <a href=”>schmalenegger’s blog</a> about the absence of XMMS in the Ubuntu repositories. I notice...

Mein DNS muss sicherer werden

less than 1 minute read

Nachdem meinen DNS nun auf dynamische Updates vorbereitet habe, möchte ich noch ein wenig um dessen Sicherheit kümmern. acl internals { localhost; }; opti...

Dynamische DNS-Updates mit Bind

5 minute read

Manchmal habe ich ja komische Ideen von Dingen, die ich unbedingt brauche. Vor einiger Zeit schon hatte ich mir in den Kopf gesetzt mal unbedingt Dienste wie...

Virtualbox, Debian Sid and my AMD64

1 minute read

There are a lot of virtualization solutions around and a played around with VMware a bit. It’s quite comfortable to use the VMware converter to convert your ...

Fonts von QT-Anwendungen in Gnome

less than 1 minute read

Seit einiger Zeit quäle ich mich schon mit total hässlichen Fonts von QT-Anwendungen unter meinem Gnome. Ich gebe es ja ungerne zu aber es gibt tatsächlich g...

Using zenity for interactive bash scripts

less than 1 minute read

Zenity is for Gnome2 what gdialog was for Gnome1. You can use it display various kinds of dialog boxes from your shell scripts. Although one might think that...