
Adding ant-svnlib to Net Beans

less than 1 minute read

I wanted to add some additional plugins to the ant build for Netbeans to automatically do some tagging if Ivy publishes the file. Fortunately I found a relat...

Moved from to

less than 1 minute read

As I already wrote I use for my secondary DNS server. Quite a while ago was bought by Dyn Inc. Now the time has come that all the ...

Axis2 memory leak on redeploy

1 minute read

For quite a while I’m facing the well-known problem of memory leaks while re-deploying Axis2 Webservices on Tomcat and JBoss. The problem is that you run ou...

Axis2 SOAP message logging

less than 1 minute read

From time to time I want to read the messages that are send from Axis to the endpoint. The solution is quite simple if you already use a logging framework f...

add-apt-repository and proxy settings

less than 1 minute read

I always had the problem that the global proxy settings I set for Gnome weren’t recognised by <pre>add-apt-repository</pre>. Therefore adding new...

Cross Domain Popup opener reload

less than 1 minute read

A couple of days ago I had the problem that I needed to reload the opener from a popup window. Thought that it should be a breeze. Simply call opener.reload(...

Started with jQuery

less than 1 minute read

Since I needed a good Javascript library to ease some of the daily Javascript stuff one has to fight with I decided to start with jQuery. I used mootools al...

Roundcube installer (version 0.3) and eAccelerator

less than 1 minute read

I use Roundcube mail from time to time, but faced some errors or weird behaviour regularly. I therefore decided to re-install the latest stable version, whic...

Nagios integration of Zero RRD

less than 1 minute read

If you’re running Nagios as you monitoring and alerting software and Zero RRD at the same time you surely would like to integrate them.

Success of policyd-weight and RBL

less than 1 minute read

As I already told I’m using policyd-weight for SPAM protection purposes. Since I’m always curious how it behaves I use the mailgraph to get some statistics f...

New release of Zero RRD Framwork

less than 1 minute read

The new release of the Zero RRD Framework is out. You can either update via SVN or download the tar.gz of version We mainly fixed some installation...

Securely setup subversion (SVN) with Apache

2 minute read

There are a lot of explanations out explaining how to setup Subversion and Apache to work smoothly together. Since I’m a bit paranoid I’d like to give one th...

Squid proxy and user authentication

1 minute read

There are cases where you want to control the access to your proxy server. This could be via IP-restrictions and/or authentication via user name and password...

Find coordinates on Google maps

less than 1 minute read

There’s one thing I really miss on the web front-end of Google maps: show that coordinates of location you found.

HTTP::DAV for WebDAV handling in Perl

less than 1 minute read

I’m currently working on a project where I create a dump file from a data structure using Storable to do the actual dump. This file needs to be exchanged aft...

Conkeror: Emacs insprired browser

1 minute read

As I already told you I wanted to give Conkeror a try and I kept my promise. I downloaded the Ubuntu Jaunty packages and built them for my box running Intre...

Special character for IMAP folder on Exchange

less than 1 minute read

As I’ve already written in a previous post, it’s quite simple to <href=”/blog/doppelte-mails-mailimapclient-auf-einem-exchange-server-finden”>connect f...

Vimperator: Make your Firefox Vim-like

less than 1 minute read

Everybody who really loves his Vim will probably love Vimperator. This Firefox add-on will make your Browser more Vim like in terms of look and behaviour. T...

Cuil: a new search engine

less than 1 minute read

I recently found interesting entries in the log that got my attention. I seemed to be a search engine, but I never heard the name: Cuil The search form is s...

Zerod appliance

less than 1 minute read

A couple of days ago Holger released a zerod appliance for Virtualbox and VMWare which you can download easily. After downloading and unpacking you find a h...

wget, cookies and other biscuit problems

less than 1 minute read

I recently had the problem that I wanted to call a URL from a shell script and thought that wget might do the job. The site requires authentication so I tho...

Mein Englisch muss besser werden (Teil 1)

less than 1 minute read

Wer hat das nicht auch schon gedacht und sich vorgenommen seine Sprachkenntnisse aufzumöbeln. Leider ist das meist viel zu trocken, so dass es schneller wied...

Ericsson streicht vorsichtshalber 5.000 Jobs

1 minute read

Wie man allerorten und auch bei lesen konnte plant Ericsson 5.000 Stellen zu streichen. Das ist mal gerade der Faktor 10 mehr als die Firma für die ...

SPAM protection on Postfix (Part 3)

less than 1 minute read

Most spammers are very aggressive in terms of connection and re-connection to mail servers. Of course they want to send as many SPAM as possible in the short...

RBLs on Postfix made easy

less than 1 minute read

Real-time blacklists, DNS RBL precisely, are a convenient way to mitigate the SPAM problem on your server despite all critics about it. policyd is another op...

policyd-weight and Postfix SPAM fighting

less than 1 minute read

If you run your own mail server you have to think carefully about SPAM protection of course. The first line of defence is in front of the actual mail server ...

Uninstall or re-install a Drupal module

less than 1 minute read

After upgrading my Drupal to 6.8 I faced the problem that one module didn’t work right. Maybe it was broken before and I simply didn’t notice that beforehan...

Zero RRD Framework: Major Release

less than 1 minute read

Finally. Yesterday we released a major update of the Zero RRD Framework at SourceForge. You’ll find the latest version in the Zero RRD Subversion Repositor...

Server migration

less than 1 minute read

As LYCOS Europe decided to discontinue it’s business I needed a new home for my server and still need for my domains. The first step is done. A new server i...

Free DNS and Bind 9 setup

1 minute read

For some reasons I like to hosting my DNS services myself and this worked very well in the past. As I now have to look for a new domain hoster (see Server mi...

Firefox extensions: SyncPlaces

less than 1 minute read

I used Bookmarks Sync and Sort for a while with my Firefox 2, but after upgrading to Firefox 3 it wasn’t available anymore and the development seems to be di...

POP3 on the command line

1 minute read

You sometimes find the need to run a protocol dialogue on the command line via telnet. I recently had to do this for POP3. In fact it’s quite simple if you f...

msmtp mit mutt nutzen

less than 1 minute read

Da bin ich doch gerade über einen interessanten Beitrag zu msmtp vom <a href=”</a> gestolpert.

Webseitenoptimierung Teil 1: PHP Codeoptimierer

1 minute read

Ich beschäftige mich gerade mit der Optimierung der Performance von Webseiten, neben den vielen, vielen anderen Dingen, welche irgendwie immer auf meinem Sch...

Umstieg auf Drupal 6 (Teil 2)

less than 1 minute read

Ich bin noch mit den Aufräumarbeiten meines Umstiegs auf Drupal 6.2 beschätigt. Eines der Module, welches ich wirklich vermisse ist similarterms. Ich habe mi...

Umstieg auf Drupal 6

less than 1 minute read

Nun habe ich es endlich gewagt und bin auf Drupal 6 umgestiegen. Zwar hatte ich das schon lange angekündigt, aber dann doch nicht in die Tat umgesetzt. Da es...

SSH Bash completion

less than 1 minute read

Ich bin ja ein großer Fan der bash completion. Damit kann ich nicht nur die Pfade, Dateien und Kommandos per Tab erweitern, sondern auch Hostnamen, Gruppen u...

Mein DNS muss sicherer werden

less than 1 minute read

Nachdem meinen DNS nun auf dynamische Updates vorbereitet habe, möchte ich noch ein wenig um dessen Sicherheit kümmern. acl internals { localhost; }; opti...

Dynamische DNS-Updates mit Bind

5 minute read

Manchmal habe ich ja komische Ideen von Dingen, die ich unbedingt brauche. Vor einiger Zeit schon hatte ich mir in den Kopf gesetzt mal unbedingt Dienste wie...

Parsing Gaim/Pidgin log files

less than 1 minute read

Some time ago I read something about the script from Mike Schilli. This nice little script parses Gaim or Pidgin logfiles (located at ~/.gaim/l...

Drupal 6 erschienen: dann nix wie los…

less than 1 minute read

So Drupal 6 ist erschienen, wie bei Golem zu lesen war. Neben zahlreichen Neuerungen wie die Unterstützung von OpenID, einige neuen Sicherheitsfeatures, sin...

Verbote, Verbote, Verbote

less than 1 minute read

Also ob wir es nicht schon alle gewusst hätten: Bloggen ist gefährlich. Nach Vorratsdatenspeicherung und Rauchverbot steht das Blogverbot nun direkt vor der ...

Using IMAP::Client with Cyrus IMAP server

1 minute read

I’m currently working on a personal project where I want to access my Cyrus IMAP-Server using Perl. Hence I looked at CPAN and there are two major modules de...

Mit XinXii zur eigenen Veröffentlichung

less than 1 minute read

Da bin ich doch über einen blöden Zufall auf der Seite von XinXii gelandet. Aha, was ist denn das, eBooks zum Download? Naja, so ähnlich will ich mal sagen, ...

Manipulierte Kundenrezensionen bei Amazon?

less than 1 minute read

Mal wieder eine dieser Enthüllungsstories bei Golem und Telopolis. Es sollen Rezensionen von Computerbüchern manipuliert worden sein sagt Tomas Wehren, Verla...

Billiger geht’s nimmer: Hosting Paket für Lau

less than 1 minute read

Da könnte man ja glatt anfangen sich zu ärgern, wenn man bei barhgrol liest, dass die ComputerBild zusammen mit Lycos Webhosting auch noch für ein Hostingpa...

Typo3: Add nofollow to external links

less than 1 minute read

For some reasons I have to use Typo3 besides my beloved Drupal and I faced the problem that I want to add the rel="nofollow" attribute to all external links.

SEO, Backlinks, Netzwerken und der PageRank

1 minute read

Durch Zufall bin ich auf den Beitrag Vernetzung in Zeiten von SEO gestoßen. Dabei geht es darum, dass immer mehr Menschen versuchen ihren PageRank durch Back...